Kim Lummis

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Brit. in Germany

Kim grew up in South West London, had her first career in HR and then ran her own dog training business in the Brighton area before coming to Germany in 2015. She now lives with her wife, two stepkids, dogs, cats and a gecko in Heidelberg. She helps other foreigners to Germany negotiate their way through the highs and lows of life here with her online course, events, community and podcast.

In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her two and four-footed family and Taiko drumming.

March 8, 2023

Life in Germany as a gay woman (Kim from the UK)

Kim from the UK explains what life is like in Germany for her as a gay woman. She also discusses the difficulties of finding a community in smaller cities and towns. Plus: Kim gives some advice! Kim has created a self-paced …
Guest: Kim Lummis