The Germany Experience

Shaun Behrens

Tim From France - Not So Far From Home

2019-08-07 47 min Shaun Behrens

Description & Show Notes

Tim Bourguignon is a French citizen who moved to Germany to be with his wife. He describes himself as coming in four flavors: Agile Coach, Chief Learning Officer, Mentoring Advocate, and Public Speaker. He also hosts a podcast called Software Developer’s Journey

After bad experiences learning German in school, Tim picked up German again years later when he actually moved to the country. In our interview, we discuss how his learning was aided by his colleagues, the Volkshochschule (adult education centers in Germany), and...the Wise Guys. We also cover how he handles three languages at home, some advice for making friends (care of the Holstee manifesto), and keeping in touch with friends and family back home.

Tim's Website:
Tim's Podcast (Software Developer's Journey):

Support the show

Instagram: the.germany.experience
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Podcast Intro Music by: Adrian Bran