The Germany Experience

Shaun Behrens

Germany and climate change (Patrick Niedermayer from Germany)

2020-09-21 56 min Shaun Behrens

Description & Show Notes

For foreigners living in Germany, you might be thinking that you live in a country that is doing a lot to combat global warming. After all, Germany signed the Paris Agreement, and it put together the Klimapaket (climate package). But according to my guest this week, Patrick Niedermayer, Germany isn't doing enough.

This episode is a deep dive into what climate change is, what Germany has done (and why it isn't sufficient), and what foreigners living in Germany can do about the situation.

Patrick’s blog (German):

Patrick on Instagram:

Get involved on 25th September 2020 and join a Fridays for Future demonstration near you!

Key take-aways from my discussion with Patrick:

  • The CO2 in our atmosphere has increased exponentially since the industrial revolution: the increase in the last 100 years is the same as the increase in the previous 10.000 years.
  • It’s not too late to limit the increase in average temperatures (although we can’t reverse it anymore)
  • The Paris Agreement was good, but Germany (and other countries) are not adhering to it
  • For Patrick, there are two aspects to climate justice: firstly, the industrialized countries expecting developing countries not to use coal and other fossil fuels to build wealth, and secondly, the people in power are the ones who have caused our current situation (albeit not intentionally), while the ones demanding change are the ones who have to live with the consequences of inaction.
  • Germany is doing something to combat climate change, but not enough; they’ve cut funding for projects like solar power, they have not acted on the Paris Agreement, and the Klimapaket is disappointing.
  • Foreigners can’t vote, but being political isn’t only about voting: you can still go and protest and make your voice heard.

What foreigners living in Germany can do:

When looking at changes you can make, look for the things with the least amount of effort on your part, but which have a big impact on reducing your carbon footprint

  • Switch to green energy (ökostrom) for your apartment or house.
  • Try to switch to electric cars or scooters if it’s possible
  • Zero waste
  • Reduce meat consumption
  • Educate yourself

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Podcast Intro Music by: Adrian Bran