
NinaProfile Photo

Resident German

Nina is a German and co-hosts Die Deutsche und der Ausländer podcast with Shaun. She regularly appears on The Germany Experience to discuss observations about German culture.

March 1, 2023

How German are you? (Nina from Germany)

The Germany Experience is back with a repost from Shaun's other podcast, Everyday Germany. Nina joins Shaun to see which one of them is more German. Subscribe to Everyday Germany where Shaun and Nina discuss their observatio…
Guest: Nina
June 8, 2022

German traditions or superstitions? (Nina from Germany)

If you've ever wished a German "Happy birthday" before their actual birthday, you will no doubt have quickly learnt that it's just not done. It's just a tradition based on superstition, but many Germans abide by it. So, is i…
Guest: Nina
Feb. 9, 2022

How to be a good dinner guest in a German home (Nina from Germany)

Getting invited to a German's home for dinner is difficult enough, but if it happens, you're probably nearing the German's "inner circle". But how do you behave? What is good etiquette? Are there unwritten rules you need to …
Guest: Nina
Oct. 6, 2021

German culture: Der Struwwelpeter and other horrifying children's stories (Nina from Germany)

After watching the Calvin & Habs duo do a reenactment of a German children's story called "Paulinchen", I decided to buy the collection of stories it appears in. It's called Der Struwwelpeter, named after one of the characte…
Guest: Nina
March 15, 2021

Common things Germans say and do, and what they mean (Nina from Germany)

The Germans have certain words, sayings, and gestures that they do very often, often without even thinking about it. And some of these things can be very confusing to people new in Germany. For example: you'll often hear "O…
Guest: Nina
Sept. 28, 2020

German youth words of 2020 (Nina from Germany)

Every year, the Langenscheidt publishing house searches for the youth word of that year. It's happening again, and Nina from Germany (who previously appeared in the Fasching episode back in February) helps me explain the wor…
Guest: Nina
Feb. 17, 2020

Carnival/Fasching in Germany: "pomp and splendor" (Nina from Germany)

It's the middle of Carnival (also known as Fasching or Fastnacht, depending on where in Germany you are). I am not a big fan of it, and so I got a real live German who IS a fan of it to come on the show and explain to me why…
Guest: Nina